Wednesday 24 October 2007

Potato Okra Pan

Some time ago a friend from India was complaining that it was hard to obtain fresh okra around here. I asked if she'd tried the local supermarket as I thought I remembered seeing them there, but she said no, they only had them frozen, and those weren't nearly as good. Wanting to help I promised I would show her a few stores with wider than average selections. So one day we went on a trip, first to the produce market, then the upscale market, then a couple of other shops and finally to pick up something else a stop at the local supermarket. Ironically I was right, they did have fresh okra and I pointed them out to her, gleefully victorious.

On that day I didn't buy any, but recently I did pick up some thinking I could try out a few ideas with them. This first one is the P.O.P. - Potato Okra Pan. Well, it actually has onion too, but that makes for a less inviting abbreviation.

- 10-12 okra
- 1 small-medium onion
- 4-5 potatoes
- oil
- salt & pepper

Cut the potatoes in 1/2" (1 cm) cubes, chop the onion medium coarsely and cut the okra in 1/4" (1/2 cm) slices - remove both ends of the okra.
In a large pan heat up a little oil, add first the onion, and when the onion is starting to brown add the okra. Season generously with salt & pepper, and keep on high heat. From the okra a thick sticky liquid will come out - much like when frying nopal cactus - and if you're not using a non-stick pan you might need extra oil. Continue till the juices are dried up (after some 5-10 minutes, I think). Then add the potato cubes and continue till the potatoes are cooked through. By this time everything should appear fried.
Serve immediately, e.g. with ketchup and a pickle.

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