Tuesday 18 August 2009

Quinoa Tricolore

I guess I didn't think about it before I moved, but if anyone had asked me if I expected to be able to buy quinoa in Sweden, I might have expressed doubts. As it turns I would have been wrong: not only can I get quinoa here, but unlike other places I have lived so far, both ordinary quinoa as well as red and black quinoa is readily available. Such an abundance begged me to mix them up and get a colourful result...

- 4 red bell peppers
- 3 fillets of chicken breast
- oil
- salt & pepper
- smoked paprika
- fennel seeds
- the juice of 1 + 1 limes
- 9 dL (3.8 cups) mixed white, red, and black quinoa
- 1.8 L (7.6) water
- bunch of scallion

The bell peppers were rinsed and quartered, and the seeds were removed. The bell peppers were broiled until most of the skin was blackened. After removing them from the oven, they were allowed to cool before the skin was peeled of. The remaining pieces were chopped coarsely.

The chicken fillets were seasoned on both sides with salt, pepper, smoked paprika and fennel seeds before searing in a pan with a little oil. When they were nicely browned on both sides, they juice of 1 lime was poured over, the pan was covered and the heat was reduced to medium. Left like this while cooking the quinoa.

The water was salted and brought to a boil, then the quinoa was added, the pot covered and the heat reduced to low. They were deemed done when all the water was absorbed.

The scallions were rinsed and sliced thinly.

The finished chicken fillets were sliced.

Everything was mixed in a large bowl and added the juice of the last lime. Can be eaten at once, but is also delicious cold.

On this occasion it was served with freshly boiled cauliflower.

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