Thursday 11 December 2008

Mashed Potatoes de Luxe

When I recently made 'burning love' I was reminded that I hadn't made the luxury version of mashed potatoes for a while (a recipe I picked up from a previous house mate) .. clearly a mistake. But easily fixed. It goes particularly nicely with a steak and some salad.

- 450 g (1 lb) potatoes, peeled, cut in chunks
- 50 g (~ 2 oz) bacon, diced
- 4 scallions, green parts, sliced
- 100 g (3.5 oz) sour cream
- 0.5 dl (~ 2 oz) milk

The potato chunks were boiled in unsalted water.

While the potatoes were boiling, the bacon was fried in a pan.

When tender, the water was drained from the potatoes, which were mashed with ladle. Sour cream, milk, bacon, and scallion was stirred in. Seasoned to tasted with salt and pepper.

Served on this occasion with ostrich steaks (fried together with the rest of the scallions), and a salad made from corn salad, cucumber and sun dried tomatoes - I've had ostrich a number of times by now, but I'm still a little amazed (although nothing that compares to the first time I tasted it) how much like beef this bird tastes. The corn salad ('rampon' around here) was a first for me. We'd been noticing it at the stores for a while and on a day it looked particularly fresh and delicious we decided to try it... it won't be the last time.

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