Saturday 20 December 2008

Danish Beer - Part III (Tuborg Julebryg)

As I mentioned previously there is a strong tradition of seasonal beers in Denmark. Amongst the most institutionalised is 'Tuborg Julebryg' (Tuborg Yule-brew) - this to the point that the day it is released is known in Denmark as J-day. J-day used to be a Thursday, but after increasing pressure from high schools the brewery agreed a few years ago to move J-day to Friday instead.

Although I had seen it before, I had kind of forgotten that Tuborg Julebryg is also available on the German market. I was recently reminded of this when I went to the very well stocked beer store Drinks of the World in Zürich: I instantly recognized the blue label with the snow falling ... and the German label confirmed what I knew must be true.

Naturally, I bought one.

Honestly, I'm too nostalgic about this product to be able to really tell you about the beer itself...

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