Monday 27 October 2008

Danish Beer - Part II (Indslev Brewery)

When I left Denmark in 2002, things were just starting to change. After that the changes accelerated, and for me the effect was amplified by only observing it on my short, relatively infrequent trips to Denmark. For example, one time I came home, and since my previous visit in Denmark, beer cans had been legalized - that changed the experience of walking down the beer aisle in a Danish supermarket a fair bit. On another visit, I noticed that since my previous visit, it had become standard for Danish supermarkets to have a decent selection of import beers - something I'd beforehand only seen in specialised beer stores and fancy department stores. Also quite the change.

And at the same time, the number of microbreweries in Denmark exploded to the point were on my most recent trip home, I noticed there were so many I didn't even try to taste all of them during the three weeks I was there. Many of these were entirely new breweries, but quite a few others were old breweries that had lied dormant (or nearly so) during the years of big brewery dominance. One such brewery is Indslev brewery in Indslev (coincidently a small town I have passed through numerous times because it's on way between my parents' place and my grandmothers' place) on the island of Funen. Originally opened back in 1897, it re-opened in 2006 with an interesting line of modern beers, of which I had the pleasure the pleasure to try a few. I have to say, the Indslev Spelt Bock is one of the best beers I've had in a very long time.


  1. "I noticed there were so many I didn't even try to taste all of them during the three weeks I was there."

    I think the solution is pretty obvious here- you simply need to "work" harder the next time you are home... probably Herculean in scope, but if anyone is up to the task....

  2. well, next time there might actually be fewer - rumour is not all of them are financially sound businesses, so some of them might not make it through the times ahead. But yes: Must try 'arder!
