Sunday 18 May 2008

Bavarian Beer

Returning for more (relatively) local beer options I found these three, all hailing from Bavaria, Germany. I have been a fan of Paulaner Weissbier for quite some time, but their lager isn't bad either and on sale at 0.85 CHF per 0.5 L can it presents me an offer I can't refuse.

Löwenbräu is another beer from Munich, quite good too, but I haven't seen it as cheap yet. Interestingly, their Weissbier is also available in 0.5 L cans, but it seems to me the can prevents you from pouring the beer in the proper way, so I refrain from buying those.

Gralsburg is easily the cheapest of the pack, but also easily the least interesting of them. Given the wide array of other options I think I'll be spending my hard-earned CHFs otherwise..

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