Sunday 23 December 2007

Red Cabbage

Although we do know at least one store that carries a brand of the traditional red cabbage sauerkraut we decided to try our hands at making some ourselves this holiday season.

- 2 tsp butter
- 1 1/2 red cabbage (1.1 kg, 2.4 lb)
- 2-3 dL (1 cup) red wine
- 1 dL (1/2 cup) balsamic vinegar
- 2-3 dL (1 cup) black currant juice
- 1-1.5 tsp ground allspice
- 1 tbsp sugar
- salt & pepper

The cabbage was chopped using a food processor, which actually ended up chopping it a little too finely. The cabbage was sautéed in butter in a large pot until it softened thereby reducing the volume. The wine and the vinegar was added, and the volume was reduced (till most or all of the alcohol had evaporated) before the black currant juice, allspice, sugar, salt & pepper was added.
The heat was reduced and the cabbage was allowed to simmer for a couple of hours.

When we first tried this, i.e. the same day as we prepared it, we were rather disappointed with the result, but we put the rest of the batch in the fridge anyway which turned out to be a wise decision: When we heated some of it up 2 days later it tasted a lot more like we'd hoped for (and what we've taken since then has also been fine).

This should also always be served warm, as a side to fatty meats such as pork roast (click here to see a picture of the final product), duck roast, liver pâté, Danish meat balls ('frikadeller') and the like.

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