Friday 16 November 2007

Roast with tubers (Sunchokes ]I[)

Roast is something I have relatively little experience with. My parents would make it sometimes, but cooking most oftenly just for myself I have tended to make it only seldomly. Well, trying to get by on a tight budget probably played a part too. Then I lived for a couple of years with a guy who would grill a tri-tip every so often and after moving out of that house I find myself being more interested in cooking roast (although I don't plan on getting a grill any time soon). As mentioned recently cooking sunchokes brings out the flavour nicely so for this roast there'll be tubers on the side.

- 1 tri-tip roast
- salt & pepper
- 8 potatoes
- 8 sunchokes
- salt & pepper
- rosemary
- oil
(mushroom relish)
- 3 shallots
- 100 g (4 oz) mushrooms
- 4 tbsp sour cream
- 1 dL (1/2 cup) red wine [1]
- salt & pepper
- tarragon
- red leave lettuce
- 1 roma tomato
- kalamata olives

Season the tri-tip roast with salt and pepper, then seared it on all sides for a few minutes before putting it in the oven at 200 C (400 F) for about 50-55 minutes. After it comes out of the oven, let it rest for a few minutes, then slice it thinly.

Cut the potatoes in 3-4 pieces each, and put them in a oven proof tray together with the sunchokes. Drizzle a little oil over them and season with salt, pepper, and rosemary. This tray also goes in the oven at 200 C (400 F) for about 50-55 minutes.

Sautee the finely diced shallots, then add sliced mushrooms, salt, pepper, tarragon, and red wine. Reduce the volume for a few minutes, then add the sour cream and stir well.

Cut the lettuce, dice the tomato and add some kalamata olives.

Serve everything together.

[1] While I'm somewhat of a beer and whiskey snob, I am quite the opposite when it comes to wine. Usually a $5 bottle of cabernet sauvignon will do just fine for me.

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