Monday 26 November 2007

Lasagna with Eggplant

By now I know a couple of people who swear by making the meat sauce for lasagna using so-called Italian sweet sausage (see here), but this is the first time I'm trying it .. but it won't be the last.

- 225 g (8 oz) lasagna plates
- 1 eggplant
- bread crumbs
(meat sauce)
- 5 Italian sweet sausages
- 1 red onion
- 2 cloves garlic
- 800 g (28 oz) crushed tomatoes
- 170 g (6 oz) tomato paste
- oregano, rosemary, salt & pepper
- water
- oil
(béchamel sauce)
- 25 g (1 oz) butter
- 3 tbsp flour
- 4-5 dL (approx. 2 cups) milk
- ground nutmeg, salt & pepper

If your lasagna plates need to be boiled get started on those first, then proceed to the meat sauce while they're boiling.

Otherwise just start with the meat sauce: In a big pot heat up some oil, add the diced onion and stir for a few minutes. Then add the sausages, and work them well with the spoon, so you get a pretty homogeneous mixture. Add crushed carlic and continue till the meat is cooked. Then add crushed tomatoes and tomato paste, plus a little water to rinse out the cans (and to make the sauce a little less thick). Bring to a simmer and leave it simmering while preparing the béchamel sauce.

Preparing béchamel sauce is basically just like preparing the kind of gravy I grew up with [1] - on the one hand I don't think it's all that complicated, but on the other I do seem to remember some learning curve when I was a kid, and I've definetely met a lot of people who seem puzzled about the whole concept. Anyway: I a small pot, melt the butter - be sure not to brown it. Once melted turn down the heat and stir in the flour to get an even, thick paste. Now, on medium heat add the milk in smaller portions with constant stirring - for each portion of milk added stir until the mixture is homogenous and turns thick again. Finally season it.

The eggplant is simply cut in slices about 1 1/4 cm (1/2 inch) thick.

Now assemble it: In an oven proof tray, put alternating layers of béchamel sauce, lasagna plates, meat sauce and the eggplant. It's a good idea to have béchamel sauce as both the bottom and top layers, and using 1 eggplant I got just a single eggplant layer in the middle. On top put a layer of bread crumbs.

Bake it in the oven, at 225 C (450 F) for the first 10 minutes, then at 175 C (350 F) for the last 20 minutes.

Serve with a little grated pecorino (or parmigiano).

[1] That kind of gravy goes well with boiled potatoes, which I ate regurlarly when growing up.

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