Wednesday 12 September 2007


One of the nicer things about being on vacation is finding and trying new things [1].

I was previously unaware of the existence of pitaya, but they appeared to grow locally at my vacation destination. In at least a couple of different varieties too. I bought this one at a road side fruit stand, but I saw others (which were red on the inside) in supermarkets. The taste and texture is not entirely unlike that of kiwi.

Since my return I've read that they grow also in Mexico. I'm sure I've never seen them before, but I'm not sure why - the lady I bought mine from told me they stay good for an extended period of time (I think she said up to 6 weeks) if refrigerated. Maybe too few people are interested in paying money for rather large, funny looking kiwi like fruits..

[1] Obviously the nicest thing about being on vacation is not being at work.

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